F-16C assigned to 192. Filo "Kaplan" / 9. AJU at Balikesir AFB taking off into morning COMAO sortie during NATO Tiger Meet 2014. "Viper" is armed with CATM-9´s and drop tanks about 1400 l.
F-16C assigned to 192. Filo "Kaplan" / 9. AJU at Balikesir AFB is taxiing back to apron after morning COMAO sortie during NATO Tiger Meet 2014. Fighting Falcon is armed with CATM-9´s and drop tanks about 1400 l.
Turkish Air Force F-16CJ (94-0090; cnHC-54) from 192Filo, on the taxi-track at the end of another mission during the Nato Tiger Meet 2014 at Schleswig-Jagel AFB.
Tail close-up of this Turkish Air Force F-16CJ (94-0090; cnHC-54) from 192Filo, on the taxi-track at the end of another mission during the Nato Tiger Meet 2014 at Schleswig-Jagel AFB.