Mirage 2000B from 1. Escadrille SPA162 "Tete de tigre" / Escadron 01.012 "Cambrésis" based at Cambrai - Epinoy AFB (BA103) French Air Force / Armee de l'Air .
Close-up of a French Air Force Mirage 2000B (525; 115-AM; cn400) from EC2/5 (Ile de France) at Orange/Caritat (LFMO), in static display at BA113 (Nancy-Ochey).
Tail close-up of a French Air Force Mirage 2000B (525; 115-AM; cn400) from EC2/5 (Ile de France) at Orange/Caritat (LFMO), in static display at BA113 (Nancy-Ochey).
Twoseater Mirage from EC 1/12 "Cambrésis" / BA Cambrai-Epinoy is seen on static display during 23. zVrl (hel. AFB) Prerov open day 2005 / Mini Tiger Meet 2005. (Scan from 35 mm negative film).