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 2023-08-22 GMT-5 hours   
Dear Administrators and Screeners, hope you guys are doing well

I have an inquiry about a rejection reason that seems new to me. Could you please tell me what are Jagged Edges? And are they fixable using a certain software?

Also, I'm new to motive-related rejections, are there any rules of thumb of how to get rid of them?

Best Regards.

Raihan "Liberty" Aulia - @romanovskies

Fly your shots with Liberty!

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 2023-08-22 GMT-5 hours   
Hello, i also wanted to ask if inactive or re-uploaded photos that's been over 2 weeks might be more considered to rejected or should i just re-upload them entirely to shuffle them up?

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 2023-08-23 GMT-5 hours   
Jagged edges are lines that are not straight, usually caused by over-sharpening. Bad motive simply means there is too much clutter or people around the aircraft, or a fence or some other obstruction distracting from the aircraft.

Sometimes photos stay in the queue because they are very borderline in quality, making it hard to make a decision.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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 2023-08-24 GMT-5 hours   
fadhilramadhan :
Hello, i also wanted to ask if inactive or re-uploaded photos that's been over 2 weeks might be more considered to rejected or should i just re-upload them entirely to shuffle them up?

I have just today had two inactive photos accepted, one went back over four months in the queue and the other was at least two months. I think it depends how much belief you have in your photo; if you truly believe it is a good photo then wait and most likely it will be accepted, if you look at it after two weeks and you are not so sure then remove it yourself and save the screeners their time and effort. I am an experienced photographer and photo processor however I admit that sometimes I let my enthusiasm for the subject overcome my objectivity and that is when I get rejections or long waits in the queue.


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