AIRFIGHTERS.COM   Detailed Photo Stats

Photo ID 250498 by Andrei Shmatko

This photo was added to AIRFIGHTERS.COM on February 6, 2021, meaning that it has been part of the database for a period of 1323 days. Since then, the photo has received 928 unique views, for an average of 1 views per day.
Photo ID 250498 by Andrei Shmatko. Belarus Air Force Mil Mi 24P, 10
Detailed Photo View History
Below is a detailed history of the popularity of this photo for the last 21 days, along with a graphical presentation of this data.
Date No. Views Tot Views
Sep 20, 2024 1 928
Sep 19, 2024 927
Sep 18, 2024 927
Sep 17, 2024 3 927
Sep 16, 2024 1 924
Sep 15, 2024 1 923
Sep 14, 2024 1 922
Sep 13, 2024 921
Sep 12, 2024 1 921
Sep 11, 2024 920
Sep 10, 2024 3 920
Sep 9, 2024 1 917
Sep 8, 2024 916
Sep 7, 2024 1 916
Sep 6, 2024 1 915
Sep 5, 2024 914
Sep 4, 2024 914
Sep 3, 2024 914
Sep 2, 2024 914
Sep 1, 2024 914
Aug 31, 2024 914
Aug 30, 2024 2 914