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Photo ID 237495 by Aldo Bidini

This photo was added to AIRFIGHTERS.COM on February 5, 2020, meaning that it has been part of the database for a period of 1689 days. Since then, the photo has received 698 unique views, for an average of 1 views per day.
Photo ID 237495 by Aldo Bidini. Germany Air Force Panavia Tornado IDS, 44 90
Top 5 Outside Website Referrers
Below is a list of the top 5 off-site website referrers linking to this photo. For improved link relevance, most search engine referrers have been filtered. If more than 5 referrers are present, you can see them all by clicking "Show All Referrers" below.
Referring Websites: No. of Hits
Note: Data compiled since February 4, 2009.
Detailed Photo View History
Below is a detailed history of the popularity of this photo for the last 21 days, along with a graphical presentation of this data.
Date No. Views Tot Views
Sep 20, 2024 698
Sep 19, 2024 698
Sep 18, 2024 1 698
Sep 17, 2024 697
Sep 16, 2024 697
Sep 15, 2024 697
Sep 14, 2024 697
Sep 13, 2024 697
Sep 12, 2024 697
Sep 11, 2024 697
Sep 10, 2024 697
Sep 9, 2024 1 697
Sep 8, 2024 696
Sep 7, 2024 1 696
Sep 6, 2024 695
Sep 5, 2024 695
Sep 4, 2024 695
Sep 3, 2024 695
Sep 2, 2024 695
Sep 1, 2024 695
Aug 31, 2024 2 695
Aug 30, 2024 693