Panavia Tornado GR1A Aircraft Data
Photo ID 101386 by Chris Albutt. UK Air Force Panavia Tornado GR1A, ZA398
The reconnaissance version of the Tornado GR.1 for the RAF. Sixteen GR.1's were modified to GR.1A and fourteen new-built GR.1A's have been built. The two 27mm guns have been removed to make room for the recce equipment.

The foundation for this system is the TIRSS (Tornado Infra Red Reconnaissance System).

The RAF Tornado GR.1A's have no specific defence-suppression capability, but may revert to a secondary attack role with all weapons except WE177B nuclear bombs and internal cannon. They were the first reconnaissance aircraft to dispense completely with traditional film and rely entirely on video. A Vinten 4000 infra-red linescan is mounted in a blister fairing beneath the forward fuselage, giving 180deg coverage. Since details near the horizon are indistinct on its wide-angle presentation, a BAe SLIR (Side Looking Infra Red) sensor with a 10deg field is mounted in each side of the fuselage to cover this area. The system is optimized for ultra-low-level operations under cover of darkness, requires no illumination and is self-stabilising up to an aircraft banking angle of 30deg.
  • Country of Origin: United Kingdom / Germany / Italy
  • First Flight: 1985
  • Initial Service Date: 1989
  • No. Built: 30
  • No. In Service: 0
  • No. of Hardpoints: 8
  • Crew: 2


2× Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk. 101 turbofan at 8,475 lbf or 2× Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk. 103 turbofan at 8,650 lbf



Air-to-air missiles:
AIM-9 Sidewinder or IRIS-T or AIM-132 ASRAAM

Air-to-surface missiles:
6× AGM-65 Maverick; or
12× Brimstone missile; or
4× Storm Shadow or Taurus KEPD 350 cruise missile

Anti-radiation missiles:
4× AGM-88 HARM; or
6× ALARM missile

Hunting Engineering BL755 cluster bombs; or
HOPE/HOSBO GPS/electro-optically guided glide bombs; or
Paveway series of Laser-guided bomb (LGB); or
Up to 2× JP233 or MW-1 munitions dispensers (for runway cratering operations)


Length: 54 ft. 10 1/4 in.
Wing Span: 45.64 ft. / 28.22 ft in.
Wing Area: 286.33 sq.ft
Height: 19 ft. 6 1/4 in.
Empty Weight: 31,065 lbs
Max. Weight: 61,620 lbs
Max. Ordnance Load: 19,841 lbs
Internal Fuel: 11,221 lbs


Max. Speed: 1,453 mph
Cruise Speed: 585 mph
Service Ceiling: 50,000 ft.
Normal Range: 750 nm
Max. Range: 2,100 nm


United Kingdom.

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Photo ID 101386 by Chris Albutt. UK Air Force Panavia Tornado GR1A, ZA398
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