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 2024-05-16 GMT-5 hours   
Since some time now the "Top 5 of Last 24 Hours" consist of old(er) pics with lots of views but not with recently (last 24h) uploaded pics.

What has changed and why is this?

Rgds, Carl.

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 2024-05-16 GMT-5 hours   
Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on. Website has some issues and unfortunately I don't have time to deal with it. We need to upgrade to a more modern platform which is a huge project.

But, please keep in mind, Top of Last 24 hours mean any photo that got the most views in the last 24 hours. It doesn't have to be a photo that was uploaded in the last 24 hours.


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 2024-05-17 GMT-5 hours   
Thanks Ray I know. But for many years mainly new uploads were highlighted. Look at todays Top 5 - only older pics show. This way new uploads get far less attention which surely cannot be your intention I think. Rgds, Carl.

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 2024-05-17 GMT-5 hours   
Of course, but there is no way to exclude older photos from taking those spots. It all has to do with views for the past 24 hours.


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 2024-05-17 GMT-5 hours   
Looks like all these pics are referred via https://pointool.com/

No idea what or who that is but it looks not like normal average views but some high traffic site influencing AF.com

Example https://airfighters.com/plug.php?o=pgallerystats&mode=showgraph&photoidx=81998

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 2024-05-17 GMT-5 hours   
That's coming up as airfighters. I have no idea what that's about. Things have been very wonky since we transferred to the new server.


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 2024-06-09 GMT-5 hours   
Dear "admin",
What's going on ?
Already mentioned by another member/photographer, DAILY are the "Top 5 of Last 24 Hours" ONLY "non-recent" pictures!
The striking similarity is that all of these photos have generated high viewing totals through "https://pointool.com/photo" ?!
If recent added photos no longer get attention, then the incentive to still upload them at Airfighters is way off!
To be checked & corrected.


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 2024-06-10 GMT-5 hours   
Cool down, the admin is seeing the problem but at the moment he don`t know what to do. So we need some time I guess.
And I don`t upload pictures here to get top 5 of the last 24h. So its not nice but not a big problem, too...

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 2024-06-10 GMT-5 hours   
Many contributers will not share your view emkey. And it is a problem as explained earlier. Airfighters.com will be less attactive for contributers to upload. I am not sure the admin sees it as a problem. He only states that there is no solution afahk.

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 2024-06-11 GMT-5 hours   
99% of photos uploaded never make it to the Top 5. They do, however, stay on the home page for several hours for everyone to see in the form of thumbnails.

Again, the Top 5 of Last 24 Hours are chosen from ALL photos, not just photos uploaded in the past 24 hours.

The script seems to be skipping recent photos for some reason, we will look into getting it fixed.


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 2024-06-19 GMT-5 hours   
Dear Ray,

What's the connection from Airfighters with "https://pointool.com" ???
I'am NOT interested to see that every day the "top 5 pictures" are "old pics" that generated high viewing scores thanks to this obscure website ...
This isn't fair to the few photographers who make the effort to take photos at recent events and/or locations worldwide, then want to share them via Airfighters.

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 2024-06-19 GMT-5 hours   
I'm not sure, I'm trying to figure it out as well. Probably something related to the proxy and host we are using. We're still working to resolve the issue. Might take another few weeks.


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 2024-06-20 GMT-5 hours   
Guys, I do not mind seeing some older great pics return but some of these keep popping up like today the Pakistan Navy P-3 or Ukrainian Su-25 today. Someone or -thing is definitely influencing the outcome.

See for example the graph of detailed stats of the P-3 https://airfighters.com/plug.php?o=pgallerystats&mode=showgraph&photoidx=236261

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