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See my 107 Photos

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 2013-01-04 GMT-5 hours   
Hi all,
It seems some site emails for photo acceptance, rejections, and private messages are not going through at times. If you've had a photo accepted or rejected in the past 2-3 days and did not receive an email, please let me know. If you did receive an email, please let me know as well. I need to see how widespread this issue is. Thanks!


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 4,504 Photos

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 2013-01-05 GMT-5 hours   
Received them all.
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See my 5,498 Photos

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 2013-01-05 GMT-5 hours   
I did receive them as well

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See my 3,131 Photos

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 2013-01-05 GMT-5 hours   
I have received them too

Muuuuhhh - welcome in the land of milk and chocolate

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See my 107 Photos

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 2013-01-05 GMT-5 hours   
Thanks for the info guys. I have narrowed it down to intra site generated emails which are not going through. It will be fixed soon.

This also means that if you tried to contact me through the site Contact Us form past January 1st, I have not received it. Please send me a direct email to admin. Thanks.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 107 Photos

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 2013-01-05 GMT-5 hours   
Made some changes and ran a few tests. Everything should be working 100% now.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 690 Photos

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 2024-04-12 GMT-5 hours   
Hey Ray, I've noticed that I am recently not receiving emails regarding approvals/rejections. I do use a gmail account as well, and I have checked my spam folder. Nothing.

I searched for other threads on the matter, and didn't see anything recent...apologies if this has already been answered. I figured after an hour of looking, maybe this would be the appropriate thread in which to present this issue. The last time I uploaded (September), I was receiving the emails.

If there's something else maybe that I'm missing, I appreciate any help anyone can offer on the matter.



Jaysen F. Snow - Sterling Aerospace Photography
Aerospace Photographer
Grangeville, Idaho, USA

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See my 107 Photos

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 2024-04-13 GMT-5 hours   
Hi Jaysen,

Sorry for the trouble. You can see the rejection reasons in the My Photos section. Go to the rejected photos tab, find the photo and click on Edit. You will see the reasons listed there.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 690 Photos

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 2024-04-13 GMT-5 hours   
Roger, I'll keep an eye out for that. Thank you, sir.

Jaysen F. Snow - Sterling Aerospace Photography
Aerospace Photographer
Grangeville, Idaho, USA

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