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 2011-09-23 GMT-5 hours   
I personally find it a must have for the screeners to have a calibrated monitor to judge pictures send in by our members.
I personally have a rejected picture that has the comment: too yellow, but I have watched it on several different monitors from the old fashioned one (CRT) aswell as on LCDdisplay and it seemed right.
I know there are several gizmo's on the market to calibrate your monitor to get it right.
So I think it is a neccessaty for a screener to have a calibrated monitor to get it right.
What is your opnion?

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 2011-09-24 GMT-5 hours   
I agree, but if possible you should add a link to that photo.

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 2011-09-24 GMT-5 hours   

This is the image in question.

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 2011-09-24 GMT-5 hours   
Looks good for me!

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 2011-09-26 GMT-5 hours   
Looks fine, even on my laptop.

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.” -Ernest Hemingway

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 2011-09-26 GMT-5 hours   
Seems a no-brainer to be honest; a calibrated monitor should be essential for screening. I use a Spyder 3 Pro on my monitor and it does make a difference.


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 2011-09-26 GMT-5 hours   
All our screeners are photographers and have hundreds of photos on the site. What makes you guys think they don't have calibrated monitors?


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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 2011-09-26 GMT-5 hours   
While I agree the photo doesn't look too yellow, I also don't understand why the matter was aired for public input rather than being discussed with Ray or a screener by PM?


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 2011-09-27 GMT-5 hours   
When you get a message by 1 of the screeners that your picture has been denied for the database there is never a name or a contactbutton or something else for that matter to contact that person directly.
When I look at other pictures on the database and compare them to the 1 I published here I came to the conclusion not all screeners use the same colorpallet for screening.
Most colorsets are to personal liking but if all screeners would use a calibrated monitor most of the pictures will be judged more equally.

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 2011-09-28 GMT-5 hours   
Spot on comment!

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.” -Ernest Hemingway

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 2011-09-29 GMT-5 hours   
Thank God screening is not subjective. I'll tell the robots to calibrate their monitors.


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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Hunter Mk58

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 2011-09-29 GMT-5 hours   
Robots! That's a good one Ray *lol
You're absolutely right, all screeners are humans beings and individuals! So every screener looks a little bit different to each picture, that's absolutely normal, it's human. Even calibrated monitors will not solve the "problem".

My opinion about this.

P.S.: I don't understand all the reasons for rejected picture, but I'm learning to respect the decisions.

I wish back the good old times, when a picture was a picture and not only bits and bytes and when the people knew the meaning of the word respect. Respect is a very rare thing in our days…

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 2011-10-26 GMT-5 hours   
sailingdutchman :
I personally find it a must have for the screeners to have a calibrated monitor to judge pictures send in by our members.
I personally have a rejected picture that has the comment: too yellow, but I have watched it on several different monitors from the old fashioned one (CRT) aswell as on LCDdisplay and it seemed right.
I know there are several gizmo's on the market to calibrate your monitor to get it right.
So I think it is a neccessaty for a screener to have a calibrated monitor to get it right.
What is your opnion?

You're absolutely right!

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