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 2023-04-23 GMT-5 hours   
Good evening, everyone.

I'd like to pass my most sincere thanks to the screeners here. It extends to everyone who helps it run, really...though the screeners have a hard job and put up with a lot, and I just want to recognize that.

I know you guys work hard to keep it running, and the screeners are key players. I recently submitted a fair heap of photos from my Red Flag trip (apologies if I overwhelmed anyone), and a handful of my submissions we're shot down. Rightly so I'm sure, as even almost 20 years later, I'm still trying to learn and improve. That's what it's all about, I'm far from an expert or a professional.

The screeners include helpful input when they reject, and I try to put that input into play when I reupload. Sometimes it's to no avail though, and I just have to write it off as a trash photo. Such is life!

I enjoy it when I do get something in with you guys, and I am very appreciative of the constructive criticism on the ones that don't make it in.

So again, a very heartfelt thanks to the screeners for your hard work. You are truly underrated.

Thank you to all of you who run airfighters.com and keep things going strong! I love it here...rejections and all!


Jaysen F. Snow - Sterling Aerospace Photography
Aerospace Photographer
Grangeville, Idaho, USA

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See my 107 Photos

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 2023-04-23 GMT-5 hours   
You're welcome, Jaysen. We appreciate your uploads and everyone else's uploads. I wish we could accept every single photo uploaded, but that's just not possible. Rejections are not fun and get you down after you've done a few, so believe me, we don't like rejections either. I and the screeners appreciate the kind words, thank you!

In addition to the screening team, let's not forget about the tireless work of our database editor, Johannes Berger, who is always adding missing data, making sure the correct categories are selected, and tidying up the database overall to ensure uniformity and completeness. Thanks Johannes!


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 683 Photos

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 2023-04-24 GMT-5 hours   
Oh sure, rejections suck. lol

But let's be real, Ray. Airfighters.com is not a free-for-all style upload website...nor should it be (that's what Flickr is for). The rejection emails always have at least a fairly detailed reason (or reasons) for each rejection, and I can't say I recall ever appealing a rejection because, looking at any of my photos post-rejection, I've found they're right 100% of the time thus far. They're not only fair, but very helpful.

Oh man, yes! I know Johannes works very hard too...he's helped me with several corrections of my own (either adding info or fixing my own dumb mistakes lol) and I always feel like he appreciates the information.

ALL of you guys are awesome, and I appreciate each of you. Thank you, and you're also welcome. You guys deserve a pat on the back for what you do!

Jaysen F. Snow - Sterling Aerospace Photography
Aerospace Photographer
Grangeville, Idaho, USA

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See my 1,991 Photos

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 2023-04-24 GMT-5 hours   
Oh, too much credit
But thanks for the kind words; much appreciated!

If you ever come across an error in the database, don't hesitate to contact me!
Or simply hit the "Suggest data correction" button in the aircraft details section of a photo.
I'm happy to help.

Thank you all!


Johannes Berger

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