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 2018-06-17 GMT-5 hours   
Hi all,

I wanted to ask you experts, what are the rules of public display if I buy a slide from someone at a collectors show or auction? Can I publicly display that slide or a scan of that slide? Can I display it if I give full credit to the original photographer?


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 2018-06-17 GMT-5 hours   
I think Ray most inportant is to be very clear on you not being the maker.

If you know who is you should quote his or her name.

If not you can mark it as "Ray's collection".

Rgds, Carl

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 2018-06-18 GMT-5 hours   
Reason I'm asking is I've had a few requests in the past few weeks from people wanting to display their collections and for now I've resisted. I personally think it would be great to share those slide scans with everyone as they are mostly from a time period when military aviation was in its heyday and we will obviously never see those sights again. I think if a photog registers an account with "Collection Of" in the copyright bar, it's totally ok. And they can give credit to the photographer in the Remarks section. That way it will be obvious that the uploader is not trying to claim the photo as their own.


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 2018-06-18 GMT-5 hours   
I'd like to get as many people as possible to chime in on this please. So, if you have any thoughts on this, please speak up.


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 2018-06-19 GMT-5 hours   
As a slide taker and collector since the mid 1950's I completely agree with the baseline recommendations from "Soundbarrier". Simplistically, give credit to the shot where it's due / known! This was my baseline credo when I had over 25,000 and frequently delighted aviation enthusiasts with a look into days gone by.

Hope this helps, best regards imac8838

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 2018-06-20 GMT-5 hours   
I have great difficulty with people publishing pictures taken by someone else without mentioning. I go with Sounbarrier: the name of the photographer should be noted in the remarks field. In my opinion if unknown than 'photographer unknown' should be added in the remarks field.


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 2018-06-20 GMT-5 hours   
Yes, absolutely. That has been my plan all along. Photographer will get credit no matter what. Also, I think it would be a great idea to have the photographer create a separate account with the words "Collection of" in the copyright bar. That will keep the photos separate from their main account and it will make it obvious that it's from their collection. The original photographer name will be in the Remarks Section.


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 2018-06-23 GMT-5 hours   
Since you asked for input, Ray.... My emotional response is that photos are meant to be shared, not hoarded or kept hidden in a box. I'd rather see them on AF.com credited to the original photographer (where known) than not have them seen at all.

However, the strictly correct answer is that the original photographer retains copyright to the original photo. Most of those photographers will probably never be aware their photo's been put online, and of the ones who do see it, many might not object. But a few could. An aircraft slide probably has no value except to collectors, but that's not the point: the photographer has the rights to the image and should be able to approve or disapprove its use.

Didn't this subject come up back in the earlier days of the site, after one new member started to post photos from his collection and others pointed out that they had the same images?


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 2018-06-23 GMT-5 hours   
Hi Mark,

Yes, you are absolutely correct. The reason I brought it up is because in the past few month I've been asked by several people if they could upload scans of their collections. I wanted to see if the community sentiment had changed or at least softened somewhat. I have recently seen a lot of photos on other sites as well as Flickr where people have uploaded photos that weren't theirs and simply marked them as part of their collection.

I strongly feel that they should be shared so everyone can enjoy them, rather than being stuck in someones drawer for the next 50 years. I also strongly agree that the original photographer retains the copyright and credit to be given to the original photographer whenever he/she is known.


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 2018-06-23 GMT-5 hours   
I am against uploading scanned slides that were not taken by the person uploading the scan itself due to respect the actual photographer.
The only exception I see is that the original photographer can be traced back and explicitly agrees on this kind of use.
Any other possibility opens doors for abuse that will be difficult to be closed again, e.g. uploading photos from other sources etc.

So IMO the point of airfighters should be to remain a representation of a personal portfolio.


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 2018-06-24 GMT-5 hours   
7 years ago I contacted Ray and asked him if it was possible to upload scanned slides from my aircraft collection. Instead of collecting dust in the attic I wanted to share these pictures with other aircraft enthusiasts. After a few mails Ray agreed and I started uploading some pictures. Shortly thereafter some members reacted and started asking questions about copyright. This was understandable because I didn't shot this pictures and that was against Airfighters policy. After some other mails with Ray we decided to end this. Again, it's understandable and I respected that. Anyway I still wanted to share my slides with the rest of the world and created a Flickr account for this purpose. After 7 years and 8.000+ slides I had no copyright issues. In contrary, people just love to see al these old aircraft. If the photographer is known he always get full credits. In some cases I contacted the photographer and asked for permission and I never had problems.
Last week Ray contacted me with a request to start uploading my slides again. I agreed because I have many nice slides to share. Airplanes all over the world en several time periods. A piece of history.
I want all of you to make clear that I have no bad or fals intentions. I only want to bring back old memories. Just give it a try and if it doesn't work we can always end this. Fair enough?
If you have any comment just post it

Regards Gerrit

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 2018-06-24 GMT-5 hours   
Well since I'm the one who got this discussion started I should comment on it. First I always try to give full credit to the phographer if possible and even try to contact them. I have no intentions on earning profits on them I actually had to pay quite a bit for some. Like Gerrit said I just wanted to share some aviation history. But like I told Ray if the Airfighters community does not approve I will stop.


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 2018-07-03 GMT-5 hours   
Display the photos as "User XYZ" collection like in these two examples

View large    View medium
Click here for medium size photo!

Photo © James Winfree III Slide Collection
View large    View medium
Click here for medium size photo!

Photo © Gerrit Kok Collection

with proper captions is looking good to me.
As such these photos can be clearly distinguished from the others.


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 2018-07-03 GMT-5 hours   
In my opinion it comes all to respect for the photographer.
If I see my picture as part of 'a collection', I would not accept. If I see my picture as part of 'a collection' with my name mentioned in the description field, I would have no problem.
I may be over sensitive, but I had some nasty experiences in the past, where basic respect was not present...

I wish Ray wisdom..;-)


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 2018-07-04 GMT-5 hours   
Without permission, it is and remains a copyright infringement.
Just my 2 cents.

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 2018-07-05 GMT-5 hours   
How about I invite 50 people to my house and I show them my slide collection, none of which are mine. Is that copyright infringement?


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 2018-07-05 GMT-5 hours   
why come now the collection? Everyone can post purchased slides. I will then buy slides at the next stock exchange in the Netherlands and open a new connection


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 2018-07-06 GMT-5 hours   
Good points, at least the (original) photographer's agreement should be disclosed at least to Ray
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 2018-07-07 GMT-5 hours   
How can you tell what the original agreement was? Slides are sold many times over on auction sites, trade shows, etc.


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 2018-07-07 GMT-5 hours   
Contacting the original phographer isn't always possible for example my Doug Olson slides. Many attempts were made to search for Mr Olson but never found any info so I finally contacted the seller of the slides since he had a large collection of them turns out Mr Olson is deceased. The seller told me when he purchased the slides he also purchased the copyright and gave me permission to post on the web. My guess is he's a possible family member or purchased them from a Olson family member.

Now for example my Ted Carlson slides which I purchased directly from Ted he sold me 100 percent usage rights so I'm free to publish sell etc all Ted wants is proper photo credit. Even have the email if Ray needs to see it.

Now a question is it considered copyright infringement when someone scans a slide to sell on a auction site? In the end your still reproducing the image and posting it on the web just possibly lower quality.

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 2018-07-11 GMT-5 hours   
Not going to judge on the issue of displaying slides bought on auctions, trade fairs etc, but at least make sure that the info displayed is correct. I find a lot of locations dubious, for example this is not Andoya i..... P-3

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 2018-07-16 GMT-5 hours   
lieuwehofstra :
Not going to judge on the issue of displaying slides bought on auctions, trade fairs etc, but at least make sure that the info displayed is correct. I find a lot of locations dubious, for example this is not Andoya i..... P-3

Good comment Lieuwe ...

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