Aviation Articles

Aviation Articles

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Article Title Hits Comments Date Author
Go to page. 2007 Gathering Of Mustangs And Legends
Held at Rickenbacker Int. Airport, Sept 27th - Sept. 30th 2007 (19432 hits)
comment link icon [0] October 22, 2007 Christophe Haentjens
Go to page. Alaska ANG Tanker Deployment at Geilenkirchen
Filling up the AWACS in mid air. (17555 hits)
comment link icon [0] November 25, 2007 Frank Noort
Go to page. Cherry Point 2014 Airshow
Jonathan Derden brings us the highlights of this year's MCAS Cherry Point Airshow (9047 hits)
comment link icon [0] August 10, 2014 Jonathan Derden
Go to page. ELITE 2008 Electronic Warfare Live Training Exercise
Read about what makes up the ELITE Training Exercise each year. (18718 hits)
comment link icon [0] August 1, 2008 Jörg Pfeifer
Go to page. First F-14 Flight - Indelible Impressions
Dave 'Bio' Baranek puts us in the cockpit for his first Tomcat flight. (26611 hits)
comment link icon [0] June 4, 2011 David Baranek
Go to page. Fort Worth Alliance Air Show 2011
Curt bring us some great photos and a review of the 2011 Ft. Worth Alliance Airshow (8981 hits)
comment link icon [0] May 1, 2012 Curt D. Jans
Go to page. Initial Link 08
Operation Initial Link 08 visit by Sean Wilson and Frank Noort (18404 hits)
comment link icon [0] December 12, 2009 Sean Wilson/ Frank Noort
Go to page. JG74 Neuburg - Spotterday
Photos and a report from the Spotterday at Neuburg. (8629 hits)
comment link icon [0] September 10, 2013 Andreas Zeitler
Go to page. Masirah Air Base
Marco Dijkshoorn and Frank Noort had the unique opportunity to visit the airbase for three days. (23714 hits)
comment link icon [1] March 13, 2008 Frank Noort
Go to page. Morning Turns
Spending a day with the US Navy's Blue Angels (13628 hits)
comment link icon [0] February 14, 2011 Kevin Martini
Go to page. Nato Tiger Meet 2011
A review of Tiger Meet 2011 at Cambrai (23707 hits)
comment link icon [1] June 21, 2011 Jonathan Derden
Go to page. Navy Centennial Kick-off
The US Navy kicked off it's Centennial celebrations on Feb. 12 in San Diego, and Nathan Havercroft was there to bring us all the details. (26148 hits)
comment link icon [0] February 21, 2011 Nathan Havercroft
Go to page. Photo Processing Steps
A quick guide on how to process your photos before uploading to the database. (9415 hits)
comment link icon [0] December 21, 2013 airfighters.com
Go to page. Quest for the Perfect Afterburner Photo
The pursuit of great afterburner photos. (44764 hits)
comment link icon [0] November 17, 2010 David Baranek
Go to page. Red Flag 12-3
Jonathan Derden brings us great coverage of Red Flag 12-3 with some stunning air-to-air photos. (15279 hits)
comment link icon [0] July 3, 2012 Jonathan Derden
Go to page. Red Flag 13-3
A great article about Red Flag 13-3 at Nellis Air Force Base (10537 hits)
comment link icon [1] May 18, 2013 John Haubrich
Go to page. Red Flag Alaska 11-2
Red Flag Alaska took place in July of 2011 and Jonathan Derden was there to cover the event and bring us some great photos. (14178 hits)
comment link icon [0] February 14, 2012 Jonathan Derden
Go to page. Romanian Air Force
Dirk Jan de Ridder visited all Romanian airbases to review the current inventory and organization of the Romanian Air Force. (15645 hits)
comment link icon [1] June 29, 2007 Dirk Jan de Ridder
Go to page. Sentry Eagle 2011
A review of Sentry Eagle 2011 at Klamath Falls, Oregon. (20486 hits)
comment link icon [2] September 8, 2011 Jonathan Derden
Go to page. Tactical Leadership Programme
Dirk Jan de Ridder takes a look at the history and future of the Tactical Leadership Programme. (17915 hits)
comment link icon [0] July 9, 2007 Dirk Jan de Ridder
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